Fall Vendor Final Move-In Information

Dear Fall Bridal Spectacular Vendor,  



2. Read this letter & print to keep.

3. Click on the 1st PINK icon below on this letter. 

4. Fill in the blanks & click submit

This letter is to confirm your space in the 20th Annual Fall Bridal Spectacular 2016 to be held at the Capital Mall Events Center. I was very pleased with the wonderful variety of vendors & excitement we had last year at our and I am very excited about the upcoming show… Thanks to all of you!!

Be ready to sign up for the 30th Bridal Spectacular 2017.  It was again a huge success at the YMCA “Firley Center” on January 3, 2016. Several of you have already signed up for the 2017 show. At the rate that vendors are showing their support for the 2017 show, It will more than likely reach 80+ vendors! And… over 300 Brides! Again, Bridal Spectacular will be the largest exhibiting bridal show in Mid Missouri! Please call me now to reserve your space or sign and emal your agreement located in the Event Vendor Information on www.MidMoBrides.com.

Fall Bridal Spectacular 2016 is just a few weeks away, so please click on and fill out the info link below.

Set up begins at 8:00 am. If you need to set up the day before, please call for a time.  All vendors must be completely set up and ready to start at 11:00am. The doors will open at 12:00 noon sharp. Tear-down will begin at 3:00 pm or when all brides-to-be have left the exhibit area. Absolutely no one is to tear down before 3:00 pm unless approved by Vicki Arcobasso. Early tear down will result in a $50 fine.  You will be receiving your space assignment and load-in procedures at set-up the morning of the show. You must check in at vendor check-in just outside the exhibit hall door before setting up Sunday morning.

I encourage each vendor to have some type of registry. This is a great way to build additional data base for you to follow-up on. You will be responsible for drawing your winners and contacting them.

Must be returned no later than Friday, July 22nd. Please click on the link below highlighted in red then click “SUBMIT” after filling in the blanks. *DO NOT FAX – This is all electronic and will come directly to my email when submitted.

for the “Rules and Regulations Agreement & Vendor Employee List”.
**DO NOT PRINT & FAX THIS FORM!** Must return to me by Friday, July 22, 2016.
**This form must be signed and returned prior to deadline. You will not be able to set up until this form is signed and turned in.

to view the “Top Ten Reason for Exhibiting for Success”.

for a map & directions to the event.

to view a floor plan of the event (Coming Soon).

Space Assignments
All space assignments and move-in instructions will be received at check-in the morning of Fall Bridal Spectacular.

Night before Lodging
Fairfield Inn is offering a very reasonable room rental for $89 for anyone wanting to come the night before the show. Please call them and make your reservations at  (573) 761-0400.  Be sure to mention that you are vendor with the Fall Bridal Spectacular.

Load-In Instructions:
Given to you at check-in

Champagne Wishes & Wedding Bell Dreams,

Vicki Arcobasso

January Vendor Final Move-In Information

Dear Bridal Spectacular Vendor,



2. Read this letter & print to keep.

3. Click on the 1st PINK icon below on this letter. 

4. Fill in the blanks & click submit

Thank you for being a huge part of the 30th Annual Bridal Spectacular 2017.  It is still holding it’s title as “The Largest Exhibiting Bridal Show Mid Missouri!”

Actually, it is one of the Largest Bridal Shows in Missouri! I am very pleased with the wide variety of vendors we have this year.  Thanks to all of you!!

The Bridal Spectacular 2017  is only a few days away! This letter is to confirm your exhibit space for Sunday, January 8, 2017 to be held at the Jefferson City Area YMCA Firley Center at 525 Ellis Blvd., Jefferson City.

Load-in time is Saturday, January 7th  6pm – 9pm – If you have a problem with the time frame. Please call me and we will set a time that will work for you.


  1. Load-In:  Move your vehicle out of loading zones. Meaning, unload at any loading dock then move your vehicle promptly so the next person can load-in.
  2. Check-In:  You must check in at the Vendor Check-in table just inside the Exhibit Hall prior to setting up to receive your space assignment. All outstanding balances are due at this time.
  3. Set-Up:  After receiving your space assignment, you are free to set-up. Please be courteous and patient during these procedures.

All vendors must be completely set up and ready to start at 11am, Sun. Jan. 8th.  The doors will open at 12:00 sharp.  Exhibit hours are Noon to 4pm. You may start tear down at that time or wait until the fashion show is over. Absolutely NO ONE can tear down before 4:00. There will be a $50 fine for early tear down & for any trash left behind. (includes pins, feathers, sequins, rhinestones, etc.)  The loading dock doors or side doors cannot open until the fashion show is over.

I encourage each vendor to have some type of registry.  This is a great way to build additional data base for you to follow-up on.  We will be drawing individual exhibit winners all day and all final drawings start immediately after the fashion show.  Any vendor who has a prize valued at $200 or more will also be announced on stage at the conclusion of the fashion show.


Must be returned no later than Saturday, December 26th. Please click on the link below highlighted in red then click “SUBMIT” after filling in the blanks. *DO NOT FAX – This is all electronic and will come directly to my email when submitted.


“Rules and Regulations Agreement, Vendor Employee List and Lunch Order Form”. 

DO NOT PRINT & FAX THIS FORM!** Must return to me by Saturday, December 31, 2016 **This form must be electronically signed and returned prior to deadline. You will not be able to set up until this form is submitted.**


  1. Load-In: Saturday, Jan.7th, 6pm-9pm. Move your car immediately after load-in.
  2. Set-Up: A CMBA Member or Vicki will show you to your booth.
  3. Check-In: Sunday Morning 9am – 11am. (EVERYONE MUST DO THIS!) All Booth Balances are due at this time.

Helpful Information below …..

to view the “Exhibiting for Success”.

for a map & directions to the event.

to view a floor plan of the event.

Champagne Wishes & Wedding Bell Dreams,

Vicki Arcobasso

Post Format “Standard”

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